Dieses Lied fand ich kürzlich zufällig: "Dream of everything" von Iris Hond. Es klingt in meiner Seele in diesen Tagen. Hier könnt Ihr es auf YouTube anhören.
Und hier ist der Text:
I give you shelter
To keep you safe
Don't run away or fly away
Even drifting through outer space
I will fly away to you
You're not so all alone
We're not so all alone
We will find a way
There is a son, he's never cried
Frightened in jail, without a name
There was a call to mercy
And no one came
I will find a way to you
You're not so all alone
We're not so all alone
We will find a way
Just for you
The world is singing just for you
The world is dreaming just for you
You can dream of everything
Always dream of everything
You're not so all alone
We're not so all alone
We will find a way
Just for you
The world is singing just for you
Just for you
The world is dreaming just for you
You can dream of everything
Always dream of everything